Sunday, December 2, 2012

Headphone Roundup

Found yourself wondering that you need a pair of headphones but you just can't choose a pair right for you, or can't tell the difference between a Beats Audio headphone or a Klipsch set. You've probably come to the right place. You haven't got an idea about the right headphones for you, and you're just being fed the MTV standard of beats? Let's change that with a round up of some of the best headphones for less than the Beats Solo, for under €60.
MDR XB500i
Lets start off with the pair above, these are Sony's MDR XB500i's, the main alternative to Beats Solo's. For one very good reason, they pump out the bass at very respectable levels. Look no further if you want the kind of bass the Beats Solo's give, but less expensive and much much better sound. These are for you! But... what if you're the acoustic type and you just can't stand all that heavy sounding bass?
Pro DJ 100
KOSS created the Pro DJ 100 set of headphones for the budding music producer and sound reproduction wannabe, for the price, it's what you expect really. The KOSS set provide a characteristic sound at an unbelievable price, not heavy on the bass but not lacking either. Just what you need for your rock and indie band tunes. Now, that's not it for the audible range of headphones, there's also the all rounders...
HD 205
Along come the HD 205's by Sennheiser, widely regarded as one of the best headphone manufacturers for the masses. These studio grade but consumer level priced headphones provide the consumer with sound meeting the quality of headphones many hundreds of euros higher, ranking well above most headphones in its price bracket, that's for sure. There's nowhere else to look than this set if you want the best of all ranges for a decent low price.

So that's it really...  Well, not really, there's hundreds, maybe thousands of headphones out there to choose from, however being here all day scrutinizing each one wouldn't be practical. It's still all about what you, the consumer, wants. There's hundreds of great headphones out there, just got to choose the right one for you, but hopefully now you'll stray away from the kind of beats audio lesser quality that the mainstream has been fooled into. 

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